Facetime: Love Ludie

24th Sep 2020

Facetime: Love Ludie

Welcome to FaceTime, a series where we dig into the beauty habits, toothy tips and self-care views of cool people around the world. In our next instalment i have the absolute pleasure of chatting with the gorgeous Jenna from @loveludie who talks her evolution to becoming a full time artist and living a life of gratitude.

What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Omg I've chosen the worst day to do this haha - so I normally have kale and hummus on pita bread and I normally eat incredibly healthy but for the sake of being honest I am going to tell you that today I ate chocolate brownie for breakfast haha. 

What’s the meaning behind your handle @loveludie?

Ludie was the name of my imaginary friend when I was little, so I guess the name is LOVE... my imagination. After a few years I still love the name so much and it really can relate to whatever I'm creating as I evolve and grow. I feel it has a strong brand aesthetic without being creatively boxed in. 

Your artwork is like a pastel wonderland, how did that evolve to be such a huge part of your life?

Ahh thank-you so much! 

So LOVE LUDIE started as a candle brand with all hand made elements to it, the labels were hand painted watercolours and the font was all typography. One day i decided to ‘try’ to create candle box designs by painting them and shared the process on my instagram and it snowballed from there, i absolutely loved painting and creating and haven't stopped since.  

It’s been almost 3 years and it's honestly hard to imagine now - a time before all of this when I'm not covered in paint every single day. I absolutely love it!

#SELFCARE: A millennial buzzword or something you practice with sincerity? What does selfcare look like for you?

Selfcare is most definitely something I practice with a lot of sincerity. Selfcare for me usually consists of beach walks, cooking delicious home cooked meals, yoga, long hot baths with netflix, a facemask...and brownies haha.

How are you managing to stay sane during isolation? Any tips? 

I’m very lucky to be on 5 acres and have my art studio here, I am also a bit of a homebody too which has worked in my favour. I’ve been painting and cooking a lot and always seem to have fresh clean washing :) I think it's been really important for me to take the time to slow down and use the iso to my advantage. 

A tip would be take the time to start or do something you have always wanted to do but in the past haven't had the time. 

Gratitude has also been a big one...gratitude always takes what you have and turns it into enough. 

Right, what is your number one ride or die skincare product? 

Vitamin C serum from Aspect. I use it almost every morning now and it just gives my skin that glowy vibrant look. I’m also obsessed with the IMBIBE miracle collagen and probiotic drink!  

Tell us a little about your current oral care routine?

Well I brush my teeth everyday :) I also use Keeko!

Now be honest, how often do you floss? :)

Rarely! 🙈

Follow Jenna @loveludie