Why your body deserves clean beauty products

1st Nov 2016

Why you should use clean beauty products

At Keeko know that when you choose beauty products, you naturally want the best of the best. And that doesn’t mean choosing the most expensive brands! There’s been numerous reports about cosmetic makeup being toxic and prone to causing negative side effects, like skin and eye irritations, dizziness and headaches. Day to day makeup use is not only costly, but might be doing you more harm than good.

So how do you steer away from harmful beauty products without sacrificing the look you love? Well, there’s an easy solution- all you have to do is go natural!

Natural products have an amazing number of benefits, especially for your skin- they can help improve oxygen and blood flow, and they help to protect your skin when you’re out and about. They’re also gentler than other cosmetic products, as they don’t contain any weird irritants or harsh chemicals, which will work out great for your skin in the long-run.

And it’s really important to protect your skin. Not only is it the largest organ in your body, but it absorbs chemicals into your body, carrying them to other organs. Which means that your skin will gladly welcome toxins from harmful beauty products, which could cause all kinds of troublesome health problems, and could potentially be really dangerous. There are studies that show that the toxic chemicals in cosmetic products are linked to reproductive issues and possibly even increased cancer risk.

However, it’s not all doom and gloom, because your skin also gladly welcome nutrients of the kind that you get from natural products. And, by switching to a more organic makeup and beauty routine, you could start on the way to not only repairing any potential damage done by products with harmful ingredients, but you could even get better skin out of it.

Organic materials in beauty products are especially great for those of you whose skin is easily irritated. A switch to natural products could make your problems go away, because they don’t contain any of the artificial colours and chemicals in normal makeup.

There are a bunch of other reasons for choosing more natural products, too. Depending on which product you choose, you can be free from toxins, protect yourself from the sun, and improve your circulation. Some of them might even get you shinier, healthier hair, and whiter teeth for a killer smile! And last, but definitely not least, the environmental benefits of natural products are immense- you’ll be supporting brands that use natural materials.


So now that you’re (hopefully) convinced, try out the natural benefits with a Keeko product!